CHCDIV002 Promotion Of Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Assessment

You might be struggling because of your coursework, but not anymore! Assignment Writing pro provides a wide variety of assessment tasks for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students including CHCDIV002 Assessment 1, CHCDIV002 Assessment 2. You can also find summative assessments like case studies or workbook answers on the website which will help you to get an A+ in any type of assignment/assessment task that is assigned by your lecturer

We also provide all types of Assignments with multiple levels such as:

-Assignment 1 (Level -1) -> This level has simple exercises consisting of basic concepts up to more complex ones about aboriginal issues; it includes 20 questions where each one should have 4 possible choices for an answer.

Assessment Activity 1. Identify Cultural Safety Issues In The Workplace

Australia has a diverse population and many different cultural values. This diversity can lead to some safety issues in the workplace, as people from different cultures may have very different ideas of what is appropriate behavior. In order to minimize these potential conflicts, it is important that employers ensure they are culturally safe for all their employees by understanding and respecting the differences between each person’s culture and values.

The first step to achieving this is awareness – being aware of one’s own biases and prejudices about other cultures will allow an employer to more easily recognize when they are unintentionally discriminating against someone due to their cultural background or beliefs. It will also help them understand how they might need to adjust their approach so that everyone feels comfortable at work. Second, employers should identify any issues that exist in their work relating to cultural safety.

1.1 Identify The Potential Impact Of Cultural Factors On Service Delivery To Aboriginal And/or Torres Strait Islander Clients

Cultural factors as they pertain to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander clients can have a significant impact on the management of these services. For example, there are some negative impacts on intervention effectiveness when utilizing an evidence-based, Western-style service delivery process with Indigenous people as this may not be culturally appropriate.

Managers of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander client services need to understand the diversity in language, cultural traditions, spiritual beliefs about family structures, and access to sacred sites across both remote and urban populations. It is also essential that managers respect the cultural aspects that are specific to these communities such as rites of passage ceremonies. This aspect is seen in childbirth for instance; where parents’ rights over their children’s induction into ceremonies are viewed differently by the Western and Indigenous cultures.

1.2 Identify Critical Issues That Influence Relationships And Communication With Aboriginal And/or Torres Strait Islander People

There are various differences that can be seen and understood between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures (also known as “Indigenous Australians”) and the wider Australian culture. Chief among them is the importance placed on land in historic Indigenous belief systems. For example, as part of their culture’s law, Aboriginal people believe you cannot genuinely own land; it only belongs to you so long as you’re living on it. This perception influences relationships with mainstream Australians who generally view land as more ‘commoditized’.

As a Nation, we are governed by our Law ‘Makarrata’ which covers all these fundamental aspects of what makes us a unique Nation: Culture and Heritage; Land Ownership; Identity; Sovereignty & Governance; and Treaty and Peace. It is these pillars that allow us to work together as a Nation for the betterment of our people – both today and for our future generations.

1.3 Establish Key Aspects Of Cultural Safety In Consultation With Aboriginal And/or Torres Strait Islander People

Cultural safety is the respect and process that allows Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders to maintain their culture; languages, customs, and experiences. It also means that we are safe from discrimination when seeking out services in the community.

Some examples of cultural safety would be addressing a person using their preferred term or language – instead of assuming gender pronouns for example. Or to ask what language they best speak before proceeding with an interview- because you might be able to engage in formal debate or discussion if you know they can’t speak English well (say, for government or medical matters) but you could break down barriers by speaking their first language instead!

Another way would be to present your information in alternative formats if it is only available in English, such as an interpreter. It is a matter of respect; you are respecting this person’s right to receive information that they can understand and retain, rather than making the assumption that what you’re offering them must be OK because it’s all there on paper.

1.4 Evaluate The Extent To Which Cultural Safety Is Integrated Into Own Work And Workplace

The fundamental components of cultural safety are human rights, mutual respect, equity, and belonging. All employees need to be treated with dignity and given equitable opportunities for their growth and success in the workplace. One approach is the creation of a diverse workforce that represents seen minority groups (low-income individuals, people from visible minority communities). It is important to understand how ethnocultural diversity can enhance one’s competitiveness through enhanced creativity if cultural differences are acknowledged as valuable contributions rather than perceived as barriers or deficits. Another way in which companies can create an inclusive work environment is by hiring employees from the same ethnic backgrounds; this encourages feelings of inclusion among co-workers and in society at large.

Traditional power-based hierarchies rampant in many corporations have been replaced by networked power relations where leadership is relational and based on an employee’s competencies to get the job done. A diverse workforce at all levels will allow for more innovation, creativity, and opportunity for a company’s success.

Assessment Activity 2. Model Cultural Safety In Own Work

Cultural safety is an important consideration in all areas of life, and that includes the work environment. Awareness of cultural sensitivity can help improve your business practices and promote better working environments for everyone.

A blog post about how to model cultural safety in own work would discuss different ways to be culturally sensitive at work, such as taking care with language use or being aware of the symbols you’re using. It might also include tips on how to communicate respectfully across cultures if you find yourself dealing with a coworker from another country, or even just explaining what cultural sensitivity means in general terms. This way readers will have a grounding idea of what it entails before they go any further into the topic.

2.1 Ensure Work Practices Are Grounded In Awareness Of One’s Own Cultural Bias

Cultural bias occurs when an individual’s own culture is used as a frame of reference to interpret information. This creates the situation where someone may be unaware that they have their own cultural biases and assume that all others hold those same biases.

Awareness or acknowledgment of this bias is crucial because it can lead people to make inaccurate judgments about other individuals that will negatively affect them. Not only does cultural bias prevent certain individuals from being seen for themselves and appreciated for their attributes, but it also prevents us from understanding the ways in which different cultures think and operate within themselves.

2.2 Reflect An Awareness Of Own And Other Cultures In Work Practices

It’s not possible to reflect an awareness of one’s own culture in work practices without reflecting an awareness of other cultures.

The spread of globalization has caused many business professionals to recognize that in order to achieve success, they must not only concern themselves with their home market but also with the markets abroad because boundaries are becoming much more blurred. Cultural understanding is paramount in gaining a foothold internationally; it will create more doors for success and help you avoid potentially devastating cultural misunderstandings.”

2.3 Use Communication Techniques And Work Practices That Show Respect For The Cultural Differences Of Aboriginal And/or Torres Strait Islander People

Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people have connected relationships with the land, water, plants, and animals. Australia is a visually rich country comprising of extremes from hot, dry deserts to cool, wet mountain ranges.

They place importance on the spirit of an object or person as well as their physical form- Aboriginal art has often been described as symbolic decoration rather than “art for art’s sake”. Aboriginal culture values generosity in social activities such as bartering goods or providing things without expecting anything in return. They are also culturally sensitive to any race differences between themselves and others.

Asking questions about another’s customs without showing respectful curiosity would be considered rude from an Aboriginal perspective- They prefer those who ask respectfully rather than those who pretend to understand.

2.4 Engage With Aboriginal And/or Torres Strait Islander Interpreters And Colleagues As Cultural Brokers, According To Situation Needs

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander interpreters are skilled in engaging with their communities. They understand the language, cultural nuances, and desired outcomes for these interactions. Making sure to engage this population correctly can save you time.

If they’re a cultural institution or a community leader, then yes it is appropriate to engage them as an interpreter or colleague according to your needs; if it is someone more closely related to the subject of conversation such as family members, friends, acquaintances, or neighbors then they need some training first before you take them out in public settings where professional interpretation services are in place. The level of training will depend on how often these individuals will be interpreting for you and when appropriate ask colleagues who are familiar with this area of expertise for advice on training and how to conduct yourself with a trained professional interpreter.

Assessment Activity 3. Develop Strategies For Improved Cultural Safety

Cultural safety is an overarching concept that encompasses the various aspects of ensuring that all people’s beliefs, values, and practices are respected. It entails working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to be mindful of cultural sensitivities as well as considering how privilege influences interactions with other cultures. This blog post will explore some strategies for improving cultural safety in Australian classrooms so you can learn about different cultures while also respecting everyone involved in your classroom.

Develop Strategies for Improved Cultural Safety in Australian Classrooms Cultural safety is an overarching concept that encompasses the various aspects of ensuring that all people’s beliefs, values, and practices are respected. It entails working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities to be mindful of cultural sensitivities as well as considering how privilege influences interactions with other cultures.

3.1 Support The Development Of Effective Partnerships Between Staff, Aboriginal And/or Torres Strait Islander People And Their Communities

Effective partnerships are about engaging with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people and their communities at all levels of the education system. These partnerships are used to build capacity, support challenges, provide opportunities for leadership development, and advocate for better outcomes in education.

The potential of effective partnerships lies in the willingness and ability of participants to engage other partners appropriately in pursuit of agreed objectives. Effective collaborations will be able to respond flexibly when circumstances change or knowledge changes.

Groups who work collaboratively on projects are more successful than individual groups who work alone because they have access to more resources, a wider range of creative ideas, and different perspectives as well as pooling together diverse skills which can combine strengths into new directions for action.

3.2 Identify And Utilize Resources To Promote Partnerships

Resources to promote partnerships can be found by monitoring job postings, trade associations, and events. To ensure the best chance for success in finding a partnership this includes establishing contact with potential partners before the event and letting them know of your interest in joining forces.

Putting thought into how you will present your product or idea is imperative so as to avoid any miscommunications about what you do.

You should always remember that “you are what you eat” when marketing yourself and honing in on your company’s one selling point can help make project planning come easier. Remember that no matter how innovative an idea or product might seem there is always someone else who has had the same idea; however, it is important to assess whether their implementation is better.

3.3 Devise And Document Ways To Support The Delivery Of Services And Programs That Are Culturally Safe And Encourage Increased Participation

There are several ways in which a program/service provider can be culturally safe. Firstly, they must act to ensure that the community representation for program design and implementation is representative of a diversity of needs, interests, values, and cultures.

Secondly, they should include opportunities for indigenous language use as well as cultural practices into everyday routines. Lastly, providers should also ensure that clients participate in decision-making processes where that is feasible.

With respect to increasing participation among marginalized populations such as people with disabilities (PWDs), there are three principles on how to best achieve this goal:

1) Respect individual rights;

2) Involve persons or their representatives who share the person’s culture or disability where possible; and

3) Create solutions that are built with, not just for, people with disabilities.

As was previously stated, partnerships must be entered into in good faith and conduct yourself as though it is a business transaction when seeking funding from the government or other institutions. Once you have established the partnership you will need to determine what your overall goal is.

3.4 Integrate Strategies That Encourage Self-Determination And Community Control In Services And Programs

The idea of self-determination and community control is as old as the women’s movement, which was about achieving equity in politics, economics, and society. Self-determination means being able to make your own choices about where you want to live or go to school, choosing how you want your time to be spent (activities during school hours), participating in decision-making functions for the design and implementation of policies that affect your community (such as classrooms) without having others decide for you on your behalf.

Community control enables communities themselves – people, who are invested in their communities’ future -to contribute to decisions that affect their lives and well-being. It is also important not just to give people an ear but a seat at the table.

Assessment Activity 4. Evaluate Cultural Safety Strategies

Cultural safety is a term used to describe the actions taken by educators and service providers to ensure that students of diverse backgrounds are not perceived as unsafe or in danger. Cultural safety can be achieved through policies, practices, and programs that are designed with diversity at their core.

Cultural Safety Strategies: 

– Developing an organizational culture where all staff members have access to education on cultural differences and skills for working effectively across cultures.

– Educating children about other cultures in the classroom setting while also teaching them how to respect other people’s feelings, beliefs, values, customs, and traditions.

– Implementing strategies such as mentoring programs or partnerships between schools that promote meaningful interaction among different cultures outside of school hours so people will feel more comfortable when they encounter each other in the classroom.

– Devising classes that promote tolerance and understanding of cultural differences rather than an atmosphere of competition.

4.1 Agree On Outcomes Against Which Cultural Safety Strategies Can Be Measured

It is difficult to quantify culture and cultural safety strategies in the same way medication would be. Cultural safety measures can’t easily be quantified objectively as there are many aspects of them that can’t be measured by numbers.

It is also difficult because different metrics that could measure it might have different time frames or need defined goals, which limits a simple way to measure success with cultural safety. Still, there are qualitative benchmarks for keeping culture safe and healthy over time:

-do we uphold or sabotage ideals like fairness, honesty, equity?

-are critical voices heard within dominant groups? satisfied;?

-are the views of minorities marginalized and/or silenced by dominant group members?

–are critical conversations and relationships supported?

4.2 Involve Aboriginal And/or Torres Strait Islander People In Evaluations

If you’re not a Torres Strait Islander, Aboriginal, or descendant of either of them, and you wish to make a contribution to the evaluation process, it might be best if you make your thoughts known through one of the advisory or consultative groups that are set up by us. If you’re truly interested in consulting on evaluation strategies please write to [email protected]. We rely on our people’s expertise for developing ourselves so feel free to send in your feedback and ideas.

What can I do? Maybe connect with people from Indigenous communities who are involved with national projects and find out how they can be better supported.

One good place to start might be using our directory of organizations at indigenous carrier searches people to find out how an evaluation would support Indigenous peoples or to ask people who are so knowledgeable about their communities what the best strategy is for them.

4.3 Evaluate Programs And Services Against Desired Outcomes

There are many possible ways to evaluate programs and services against desired outcomes. The most basic measure is cost-benefit analysis (CBA), a methodical means of understanding how well an input (program or service) will produce outputs in comparison with the money sunk into it. Under this model, inputs like labor and materials are seen as investments that need to provide maximum rates of return on investment, all else being equal.

CBA does have its drawbacks though. Often, there’s a hard time quantifying what happens outside of the CBA framework that may be influencing outputs beyond human intervention — for instance, mental health interventions can help individuals better identify their risks and take control over their life circumstances so they can live healthier lives elsewhere than just in the workplace.

4.4 Revise Strategies Based On Evaluation With Appropriate Engagement Of Aboriginal And/or Torres Strait Islander People

It is best to first provide an understanding of how Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander people are seen within Australian society. They are the poorest of the poor amongst Australians, with around half living in either extreme poverty or marginal poverty.

Their lifetime life expectancy is around 17 years less than that for non-Indigenous Australians who live on average for 82 years. These statistics portray a stark picture, but there are also some positive changes being made to the overall welfare of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islanders through education and interaction programs with their families, elders as well as participation in sports activities but most importantly eradicating mental health stigma by involving these populations in volunteer work which boosts self-esteem.

The strategy should first be reevaluated in order to see where the problem areas are and how they can be resolved in order to start making a real difference. The evaluators should look at the strategies that have failed and analyze why those programs or services did not work and what positives did come of it! It is important to look back on your data carefully, as this will help you to understand the next steps you need to take.

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