131+Commemorative Speech Topics and How To Write Guide

131+Commemorative Speech Topics and How To Write Guide

A commemorative speech is written in honor of a person or something. The commemorative definition shows that it is something that acts as a memorial. This article is a clear guide on how to write a commemorative speech, with more than 131 commemorative speech topics.

Commemorative speech definition

 This type of speech is written and presented as a tribute to someone, a group of people, or something. The speech clearly shows why the person or thing is important or was important. Commemorative speeches are given during special proceedings or events.

A commemorative speech aims at sending a message and impacting the audience. The topic of a commemorative speech helps to captivate the audience and guide you in writing the content. The flow of your content should also be focused on the audience and on delivering quality.

A guide on writing a commemorative speech

A commemorative speech needs to be clear and meaningful. The main goal of a commemorative speechwriter is to remind the audience about the person or thing written about. Here are tips you can follow to write a good commemorative speech.

Choose a relevant theme

Select a theme that consistently shows the strengths of the person or thing you are writing about. The theme should be in line with something that impacted you and the audience in one way or another. Your theme will guide you when choosing your commemorative speech topic.

Ideas for your commemorative speech

Think of great ideas to include in your speech about the person or thing you are writing about. Create a list of good ideas that will improve your speech and ensure positive ideas. Include great memories and information about your subject, as you would want it to be if someone wrote a commemorative speech about you.

Ensure the information about the subject pays tribute and is not just informative content about the subject. The content needs to be relevant for your audience and the event. Avoid copying what has already been written and focus on delivering uniqueness to your audience.

Commemorative speech outline

This section reviews how to write a commemorative speech outline and a breakdown of the information flow in the speech. Begin with a clear and strong introduction that grabs the attention of the audience. Your first statement should help you build a connection with the audience.

Figurative language is encouraged when writing a commemorative speech. From the beginning, the speech should convey your feelings about the subject you are writing about. Make the introduction short to avoid monotony and boredom.

Write the details of the subject in the next part of your speech. Factual information and personal observations should form the basis of your details. If possible, include the sayings associated with the subject to make the speech better.

The speech should be concluded simply and naturally. Emphasis should be put on the key information noted in the speech content about the subject. In the conclusion, you can have a call to action where you challenge the audience to emulate the subject described in your speech.

A commemorative speech is written about people, organizations, events, and more. When writing about people, the speech can be a farewell speech, graduation speech, or a speech during a different event. The following are some of the ideas you can use when writing your commemorative speech.

Speech about a work colleague

This can be a speech about your workmate or boss and should be written in a professional tone. Your content should be focused on what this person means to you and why you are celebrating them. Including some anecdotes helps to make your speech more interesting.

Speech about a friend

Commemorative speeches about friends are quite common. It could be a speech for a graduation, birthday, job promotion, or another event for your friend. This commemorative speech is considered easy to write as it focuses on your friend’s strengths and accomplishments.

Include a few stories about the person and your great experiences together. Note how the person has influenced your life without making the speech about you. Encourage others to emulate the person’s good character and wish the person well.

Speech about a parent

 You would likely have a lot to say about your parent. While the speech should have a respectful and loving tone, you can include some anecdotes to make the speech lively. You can conclude this type of commemorative speech by cheering your parent on and thanking them with hearty words.

Speech about a deceased person

This type of commemorative speech is mainly referred to as a eulogy. The speech is a bit restraint and should be very respectful—state how the person impacted your life and the memories you shared that will remain with you.

Speech about a country and patriotism

People tend to love associating themselves with certain groups or where they come from. Love for one’s country is known as patriotism. There is so much that you can write about your country in different contexts to inspire your audience.

During celebrations such as Independence Day, for instance, write about the great works of previous or present leaders. You can also write about great efforts made by previous and present heroes in bringing the country peace and glory.

Speech about an organization or an event

Yes, commemorative speeches are not only about people. You can have a commemorative speech about an organization you own or work for. Write on the impact this organization has had on you and why it is an ideal organization.

You can also write about an event that has impacted your life and is relevant to your target audience. A commemorative speech can also be about a spouse, child, mentor, and other people.

You can write a commemorative speech about a happy or sad event that changed lives. A good example would be a disease pandemic or a terrorist attack that greatly scarred people. Other ideas on events include efforts made by different people to support good events and fight bad events.

Speech about funny events in your life

You can comfortably have a commemorative speech about yourself at an event where you share with close people. Share about your first day at work or your first time to do mountain climbing. You can also write about your college experiences to inspire your audience.

Factors to consider when writing a commemorative speech

  1. Understand the subject

What you are writing about should be the first thing to consider when writing your commemorative speech. It should be clear to you so that you select your tone and content appropriately.

  1. Understand the background of the subject

You also need to know that not all people in your audience are conversant with your topic. You should therefore write your speech with a proper background about your subject. This helps those who hear about the subject for the first time to flow well with your content.


  1. Choose your words properly

The words in your speech should be clear and not jargon that may hinder your audience from understanding your content well. Ideas in your speech should also be well explained and not only introduced. Neither should the speed focus a lot on you nor the subject but more on the audience.

  1. Consider your audience

Address what your audience can relate to about the subject and have an anecdote or two to hook your audience. Do not use language that shows off your knowledge about the subject to the audience.

In the introduction, let the audience know the importance of the topic. If it is about someone, state something great about him or her that the audience can relate to. If your speech is about an event or organization – state how the event has impacted you and relate with the audience.

  1. Give tribute to the audience

It is important to pay tribute to the subject of your speech before you break down your main content. The tribute aims at highlighting why your subject is being celebrated. It can be something the person did or said or how an event brought people together in a good way.

In the main content of your speech, state the strengths and achievements of the subject. You also need to accompany this with examples as proof of your points. Avoid making the information about how these achievements relate to you and focus more on the audience.

Discuss the importance of the strengths and achievements, especially, how they benefit the audience. The commemorative speech has a better impact when you choose content that relates to the audience.

How to choose commemorative speech topics

Like any other form of writing, a commemorative speech needs a good topic. The speech begins with the idea of what to write about. Before you start writing on the subject, you need a good topic to guide you in writing.

Proper research

Search for commemorative speech topics online and relate them to your subject to select the best. There are also commemorative speech examples and videos that you can use to gain more ideas. Research is an important aspect in writing that helps you write from a knowledgeable point of view, comparing your ideas to others.

Your subject

What you are writing about should serve as a great guide in choosing your topic. Think of the strengths or what people love most about the subject. Think of ideas that will bring out respectful content about the subject and something that your audience would be interested in.

Your audience

Understand that a commemorative speech is not about you but about the audience. You want to ensure that you choose a topic that is suitable for your audience. Consider their likes, dislikes, and what they think about your subject.

Content about the subject

A commemorative speech aims at informing the audience about the subject or topic. You should therefore have a subject or topic with meaningful content aside from praising the subject. The information you have about the subject helps in selecting a suitable research topic.

Features of a good commemorative speech

Target audience

A good commemorative speech addresses the people present at an event. It touches on relevant and positive content about the subject. The speech also respects the values of the audience at the event.

Consider your audience and choose a subject that is relevant to them. It would be out of context, for instance, to deliver a speech on the virtues of Christianity at an event where people are celebrating a Muslim event. A commemorative speech is about your audience, and that should be your guide.

Genuine and unique

 Facts and truth are essential aspects of a commemorative speech. The information you provide in your speech should be based on actual events that have taken place and should be supported with some evidence. Genuine content easily influences your audience and meets your speech expectations.

You also need to be creative, especially if you are writing about a famous subject. A subject like Nelson Mandela, for instance, has so much content online and everywhere. Therefore, when writing about such a subject, do proper research to avoid replicating what other people have already written about him.

Flows like a story

In a commemorative speech, you talk about a subject and its impact on people or something. Start at the beginning with how you met the subject or how the event in your subject began. The main content should be in line with your topic to avoid being general about the issue.

A good flow of content in a commemorative speech hooks the audience, including those who are hearing about your subject for the first time. Use oratory and respectful language to deliver your speech content and inspire the audience.

Delivering your written commemorative speech

The final draft of your speech is ready, and you are looking forward to delivering it to the audience. Take time to go through your speech and practice reading it out loud. This helps you to familiarize yourself with the speech and deliver it with more authority.

Ask colleagues and family to listen to you deliver the speech and offer criticism. Note whether the audience is following your speech and flowing with your content during your practice, as it would be the same case with the main audience.

The following are some of the best commemorative speech topics.

Famous commemorative speech topics

Some of the famous commemorative speech topics include the life and work of different personalities. They include politicians such as Martin Luther King, Nelson Mandela, and Barrack Obama. These personalities can also be people who lived or did exemplary deeds, such as Saint Mother Teresa.

Famous events such as sports, calamities, and terrorist attacks also form the basis for famous commemorative speech topics.

 Commemorative speech topics for a country and its heroes

  1. Remembering the life and work of Martin Luther King
  2. The history of democracy in the United States
  3. Tribute to all fallen army officers
  4. Tribute to all our sportsmen and women
  5. Tribute to all victims of a terror attack
  6. Tribute to all presidents
  7. What are the best assignment writing websites
  8. Remembering the first person to visit the space
  9. Remembering the life and work of Lucky Dube
  10. Remembering the life of Nelson Mandela and his implications to freedom
  11. Tribute to champions of civil rights groups
  12. The Barrack Obama presidency
  13. Commemorating our Independence Day
  14. The great achievements of Ben Carson

Funny commemorative speech topics

funny commemorative speech topics

There are “funny commemorative speech topics” you can consider for your speech.

  1. The life and times of Mr. Bean
  2. Remembering famous cartoon makers and their contribution to making our times memorable
  3. How I met my wife in high school
  4. Remembering my first baking experience
  5. How I began my athletics career
  6. My first singing experience as a child
  7. Remembering your most embarrassing moment
  8. Celebrating the funniest characters in high school
  9. Celebrating SpongeBob and his contribution in giving us light moments
  10. My first time in a remote picnic
  11. Celebrating the contribution of all comedy actors

Commemorative speech topics for a friend or person

  1. Remembering how I met my best friend
  2. Paying tribute to one of the kindest people I know
  3. Paying tribute to a lady who impacted my life
  4. Paying tribute to my brother for helping me complete college
  5. Remembering the part of Isaac Newton in Physics
  6. Commemorating the role of Pope John Paul II
  7. Celebrating the sacrifice of army officers for world peace
  8. Celebrating my mother as the most selfless person I know

Commemorative speech topics for college

  1. Celebrating one of the best professors in school
  2. Remembering my first encounter with my college mate
  3. Paying tribute to the professor who introduced me to engineering
  4. Paying tribute to all teachers who impacted my life
  5. The academic experience that changed my thinking about life
  6. Remembering my journey in medical school
  7. Remembering my journey as an engineering student
  8. Remembering champions against the slave trade
  9. Remembering the efforts of medical students in making lives better
  10. Values and virtues to learn from Barrack Obama
  11. The impact of scientific innovation in the medical sector

Good commemorative speech topics

  1. The contribution of the first lady in maternal healthcare
  2. The impact of technology in agriculture
  3. Examples of people who passionately fought against colonialism
  4. Commemorating the end of the slave trade
  5. Soldiers who have shown exemplary humility in services
  6. Celebrating the eradication of polio
  7. Celebrating efforts made in the fight against HIV/AIDS
  8. The impact of technology in cancer treatment
  9. A tribute to all coronavirus victims
  10. A tribute to all medical practitioners who died in the line of duty
  11. A tribute to all environmentalists and their impact in saving nature
  12. Remembering my first publication as a writer
  13. Human efforts that keep the world safe
  14. My first day as an employee
  15. Celebrating leaders who promote peace and equity
  16. Paying tribute to all victims of the Nazi regime
  17. Inspiring new anchors of our time
  18. Inspiring action series of the year
  19. Remembering the time when the coronavirus affected the world
  20. Recognizing efforts of the United Nations in making the world a peaceful place
  21. Recognizing efforts of the Red cross in offering humanitarian aid
  22. Celebrating early childhood education teachers
  23. The role of courageous riots in attaining justice and human rights
  24. A tribute to my doctor for saving my life
  25. Celebrating the police officer who rescued me from danger
  26. Celebrating all breast cancer survivors
  27. Celebrating all single parents who raise their children faithfully
  28. Celebrating all parents of children with special needs
  29. Celebrating all the parents for their sacrifices and guidance
  30. A tribute to all professionals who lose their lives while at work
  31. Commemorating persons with disabilities who help in making the world a better place
  32. Celebrating all girls and women
  33. Celebrating the life of George Floyd
  34. Celebrating the lives of all victims of extrajudicial killings
  35. A tribute to all mothers who died giving life
  36. Contributions of George Bush in the fight against terrorism
  37. Tribute to all sign language interpreters for their effort in communicating with the hearing impaired
  38. Celebrating world leaders who were committed to achieving peace for their countries
  39. Governors who greatly improved their states
  40. Human rights activists who fought for the rights of children
  41. Sportspeople who brought great glory to their country
  42. A tribute to a school principal who greatly improved a school
  43. A tribute to congress members who fought to defend the law
  44. Move creators who greatly impacted the acting world
  45. The impact of technology on the arts
  46. Selfless actions of medical practitioners during emergency and pandemic
  47. Celebrating musicians who championed peace and equity
  48. A tribute to scientists and innovators for their contribution to the world today
  49. Celebrating wrestling champions who impacted our lives
  50. Celebrating a boss who helped you grow and thrive

Simple commemorative speech topics

Below is a “list of simple commemorative speech topics” to go for:

  1. Celebrating a student leader who showed good leadership skills
  2. A tribute to your father for being a good mentor
  3. A tribute to your math teacher for making it easy to do well
  4. Great innovations in the world of beauty and skincare
  5. Cartoon shows that shaped us as children
  6. Tribute to a Sunday school teacher who nurtured as well as children
  7. Celebrating a very supportive work supervisor
  8. The role of a famous religious leader in bringing peace
  9. A tribute to your favorite high school teacher
  10. A tribute to the best neighbor you ever had
  11. The role of a famous business leader in bettering the lives of the needy
  12. Remembering the first day you earned a salary
  13. A tribute to great philosophers in history
  14. A tribute to a famous conservationist in championing wildlife
  15. The vendor who sold us affordable food in college
  16. A tribute to a mentor who walked with you during your addiction
  17. Celebrating my child for a great life achievement
  18. Celebrating my son on his wedding day
  19. Celebrating Catholic nuns who faithfully serve humanity
  20. The life and contribution of Saint Mother Teresa
  21. Celebrating Muslim leaders who are committed to the fight against terrorism
  22. Celebrating a famous book author
  23. Celebrating social media personalities who have impacted the world
  24. A tribute to all professionals who are ethical in their work
  25. Remembering your grandmother and her mentorship
  26. Celebrating your understanding and noble landlord
  27. Tribute to all exemplary women in leadership
  28. A tribute to all firefighters who lose their lives saving others
  29. Celebration of the life of your best professor
  30. Celebrating pediatricians who closely work with special needs children
  31. How college changed your spiritual beliefs
  32. Celebration of the legalization of gay marriages
  33. The life of Queen Elizabeth
  34. A tribute to all who died on 9/11
  35. How your neighbor became part of your family
  36. Celebrating your adopted daughter who changed your life
  37. A life decision that made me who I am today
  38. The stranger who helped me when I was lost
  39. Innovations that have helped advance network connectivity in the world
  40. A tribute to religious leaders who were killed for their beliefs
  41. A tribute to all Christians killed in the Middle East
  42. Eulogy for your beloved uncle
  43. The contribution of Keifer Sutherland in acting
  44. Your first experience when buying a house
  45. Successful efforts in curbing global warming
  46. Successful efforts in achieving the Sustainable Development goals
  47. The value of freedom and peace in a country
  48. Celebrating a sports coach who helped you believe in yourself
  49. Celebrating Google for their invention that brought the world together
  50. Celebrating all divers who help save lives and recover victims
  51. The selfless dedication of nurses in taking care of patients
  52. Tribute to a famous blogger who championed equity
  53. Courageous LGBT activists
  54. The impact of social media on marketing
  55. The teachings and values of Hinduism on unity
  56. Celebrating a gym instructor who helped you deal with your esteem
  57. Tribute to a family driver who served your family for decades
  58. Tribute to Nobel Peace Prize winners and their contribution
  59. A tribute to a workmate who was always ready to serve others
  60. A tribute to a close friend following a long battle with cancer

A commemorative speech helps us to deliver ceremonial or celebratory messages. The speech may entail your personal experiences, the significance of different events in your life, and the world at large. The speech may also be about people in your life and from other parts of the world.

When choosing a commemorative speech topic, consider your audience, the purpose of the event where the speech will be delivered, and the exact message you intend to deliver. Your topic should also be clear and direct for your audience to relate to.

Choose a topic that brings your audience together to remember a particular subject. The speech can also be used to appreciate someone important to you and the audience. It can also help the audience to reflect on events happening around them.

The commemorative speech should be timely and relevant to the particular event. You can talk to the event organizer to get your facts right before writing a commemorative speech. This helps you to remain relevant and choose your commemorative speech content well.

Attributes and strengths of the subject should be greatly emphasized in a commemorative speech. This helps the speech to adopt a positive tone and keep your audience engaged. Also, avoid going out of topic or context so as not to lose your audience.

When writing about a famous event or person, most likely, someone else has written a commemorative speech about the subject before. It is advisable to make your commemorative speech unique to avoid being compared to other speechwriters. This is why research is important before you choose your topic and content.

Review commemorative speeches and topics online and let the findings help you to determine your unique angle. Strive to be as particular as possible in your speech as it becomes easier to achieve your goals. Your message in the speech should be distinct and original.

Parting remarks

There are many commemorative speech topics you can use to write the best speech. The topic for your speech should be well researched and interesting. This article is a complete guide with a list of commemorative topics to help you choose the best topic for your speech and audience.

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